Uplift communities, change lives, and achieve your charitable giving goals.
Partner with CFT to help your clients meet their giving goals.
Increase your impact and capacity with resources and funding opportunities.
Here to be your guide to giving.
If you’re looking for an active partner in your giving journey, you’ve come to the right place. Communities Foundation of Texas helps passionate individuals, families, and businesses to change lives in your community, and we’re with you every step of the way. Let us show you how easy it is to make a lasting difference.
Building thriving communities
We help amplify and strengthen the work of our partners.
The latest from CFT
Every act of generosity has a story behind it. Read about our impact and the inspirational people who are making it happen.
Champions of Student Success
Vijay Ram & Sureka Gattu and the V&S Legacy Fund for Education Access
Champions of Relief and Recovery
Jody Hawn and the Hawn Foundation Fund
Champions of Literacy
The Laura Bush Foundation for America's Libraries
Champions of Legacy
Derek and Beth Childs and the Live Like Luke Fund
Champions of Education
Educate Texas and the Richardson Healthcare Careers Academy
Champions of Giving
Gigi Gartner and North Texas Giving Day
Champions of Collaboration
Orchid Giving Circle and Village Giving Circle provide sisterhood centered on philanthropy
Champions of Caring
The Jane and Bill Browning Family Fund
Champions of Bright Futures
City Year Celebrates 10 Years of Impact
Let’s build together.
Ready to partner with CFT? Connect with us for a conversation.