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Fundraising Campaign Series Continues with Matching Gifts for Mental Health Nonprofits

Fundraising Campaign Series Continues with Matching Gifts for Mental Health Nonprofits

Fundraising Campaign Series Continues with Matching Gifts for Mental Health Nonprofits

$120,000+ available to double the impact for mental health-focused nonprofits

CFT is offering an opportunity for mental health-focused nonprofits to earn matching dollars to support their work through its easy-to-use North Texas Giving Day website, thanks to support from the Ramesh and Kalpana Bhatia Family Foundation.

CFT is offering an opportunity for mental health-focused nonprofits to earn matching dollars to support their work through its easy-to-use North Texas Giving Day website, thanks to support from the Ramesh and Kalpana Bhatia Family Foundation.

In alignment with Mental Health Awareness Month in May, the Bhatia Foundation is partnering with CFT to match donations, dollar for dollar, to local organizations supporting mental health. A total of $120,000 of matching funds are available.

“Communities Foundation of Texas believes that health, including mental health, is a pillar of a thriving community. The Bhatia Foundation is in their third year of serving as the North Texas Giving Day Cause Sponsor for two areas of work: Mental and Behavioral Health; and Intellectual, Development and Physical Differences,” said Wayne White, President and CEO at CFT. “The Bhatia Foundation has a longstanding commitment to advocating for better mental health outcomes, and we’re grateful to partner with them and our local nonprofit community to double their impact during Mental Health Awareness Month,” said White.

Through Wednesday, May 15, individuals can utilize North Texas Giving Day’s online giving platform to increase the impact of their charitable dollars. Donations can be made to local organizations providing mental health resources and care here.

The Mental Health matching campaign is our third fundraising campaign using the North Texas Giving Day platform with matching funds available this year. “To empower community members to give locally and stretch the impact of donations, Communities Foundation and generous local partners have offered matching funds for North Texas nonprofits advancing the arts, economic security and mental health,” said White.

To empower community members to give locally and stretch the impact of donations, Communities Foundation and generous local partners have offered matching funds for North Texas nonprofits advancing the arts, economic security and mental health.

- Wayne White, President and CEO at CFT

On April 8, CFT launched an economic security fundraising campaign in partnership with Charles Schwab Bank, which initially had $50,000 in matching dollars available for 50+ local nonprofits building economic security for individuals and families across the region. Within four days, more than $50,000 was raised, inspiring us to direct an additional $50,000 in matching funds to the campaign. By the campaign’s end on April 21, the match was exceeded and $245,452 was raised.

During another special two-week giving campaign in April, The Giana Foundation Fund and CFT joined forces to match donations to local nonprofits that support arts, culture and humanities. The matching funds were exceeded in days, and CFT again added additional matching funds to increase the matching opportunity to $150,000. Through the two-week effort, our community raised $426,637 for 150+ arts organizations.

The next fundraising campaign in the series will focus on animals and pets, in partnership with Communities Foundation of Texas fundholder and community partner, Gigi Gartner, who is passionate about animal welfare. We’re responding to the community support for these campaigns by increasing the matching funds available up front, with $150,000 in matching funds available.

Nicole Paquette
Nicole Paquette
Senior Director, Communications, Public Relations, and External Affairs

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