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What is a Community Foundation?

What is a Community Foundation?

Communities Foundation of Texas is here to help you help others

A community foundation is a tax-exempt public charity serving thousands of people who share a common interest — improving the quality of life in their region and beyond. Individuals, families, businesses, and organizations create charitable funds that help meet local and national challenges.

What does a community foundation do?

A community foundation receives charitable gifts, manages charitable assets and makes charitable grants. Community foundations offer several types of funds to help donors achieve their charitable goals and to meet community needs. Plus, some community foundations like Communities Foundation of Texas (CFT) oversee significant programs that are improving local communities.

CFT powers several initiatives including the W. W. Caruth, Jr. Fund at CFT, CFT for Business, Educate Texas at CFT, Emerging Leaders in Philanthropy at CFT, GiveWisely, and CFT’s North Texas Giving Day.

Why do people give through community foundations?

Community foundations work with individuals, families, businesses and nonprofits to make giving easier, more effective, and more enjoyable. Setting up a charitable fund with CFT is an easy way to streamline your giving and establish your philanthropic goals. Below are just some of the benefits:

  • Bring strategy and structure to your giving
  • Utilize our staff to support your charitable giving goals with services like family meeting facilitation, business giving strategy sessions or deep research on your interests
  • Receive one tax receipt
Maximum Impact
  • Leverage our community experts who review more than 5,000 nonprofit grants annually. Plus our program staff have deep expertise in issues you care about
  • Benefit from due diligence conducted on every nonprofit of interest
  • Use CFT’s Searchable Nonprofit Database, a resource for making gifts to local nonprofits, or request curated giving guides to fit your interests
  • Stay personally involved in grantmaking
  • Incur fewer administrative burdens and cost than a private foundation
  • Maximum tax benefits — more than a private foundation
  • Invest with over 1,200 other component funds and more than $1 billion in assets
  • Donate diverse types of assets like privately held stock, real estate and more

How many community foundations are there in the U.S.?

There are 700+ community foundations in the world. This Council on Foundations map depicts how many community foundations there are in each state in the United States, and allows you to click on each to view more information.

Wayne White
Wayne White
President & CEO

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