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Champions of Student Success

Vijay Ram & Sureka Gattu and the V&S Legacy Fund for Education Access
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We’re being intentional about our philanthropy, asking a lot of questions, and we are grateful to have the CFT team to help guide us.
- Sureka Gattu
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Earlier this year, when he and his now-wife Sureka Gattu were planning their wedding and their future together, they decided to create a charitable fund at CFT, the V&S Legacy Fund for Education Access. Instead of receiving wedding gifts, they asked their friends and family to contribute to their philanthropy by making a gift to the fund.

The newlyweds, who first met at a nonprofit event and have since been together for almost a decade, have a vision and intention for how they want to support education throughout their lifetime. They recall volunteering with their parents as children and were both actively involved in mentoring and volunteering during college and after graduation.

“We are grateful to our parents for the values they instilled in us and the sacrifices they made,” said Sureka, noting their shared passion for access to quality education. “Our families put a lot of time and effort into raising us to be educated across disciplines and to take ownership of our futures. We want others to have those same opportunities, so we are working to grow our fund into a scholarship fund,” said Vijay. “This is our way of starting our legacy now, to pass on what we inherited from our parents.”

“CFT’s Emerging Leaders in Philanthropy program helped frame how to think about charitable giving,” said Vijay. “Participating in GiveWisely® as a couple also helped us hone our giving priorities,” he added.

“Part of our journey in partnering with CFT is learning more about the education space itself. We’re being intentional about our philanthropy, asking a lot of questions, and we are grateful to have the CFT team to help guide us. We’re interested in being actively involved in solving today’s educational challenges alongside our community’s nonprofits,” said Sureka.

Vijay and Sureka’s careers have both centered around healthcare and education. “I believe we are all born curious, like little scientists. Early access to quality education can help shape the way we think and behave in the world. Vijay and I hold each other accountable in continuously learning and growing. We’re on a lifelong journey together of learning how to be more impactful,” said Sureka.

“We are working to grow our fund into a scholarship fund. This is our way of starting our legacy now, to pass on what we inherited from our parents.” – Vijay Ram, Co-Founder, V&S Legacy Fund for Education Access at CFT

Donate to the V&S Legacy Fund for Education Access 

This story was originally featured in our 2024 annual report. For additional details and content, click here.

Heather Lothes, CAP
Heather Lothes, CAP
Donor Relations Officer, Collin County

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