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DHD Films: Giving — It’s Better than Happy Hour

by Hussain Manjee

Service to our community and fellow citizens has always been a priority within our organization, so it was an easy decision to partner with CFT. The organization provides us the necessary tools and resources to continue strengthening our company culture of good corporate citizenship. We have been introduced to a host of organizations, executive leaders, civic activists and volunteers who all want to use their platforms to make a difference within the greater Dallas community. Our clients including Klemchuk LLP, Shields Legal Group and UT Dallas are members, and our involvement provides a unique opportunity to work alongside them for a great cause.

Since joining the Engagement Network, we have been active in a variety of their initiatives including Freedom Day, various Plug ‘N Plays and the Spirit of Entrepreneurship event. Along with providing human capital to serve at these events and financial capital to support the programs, we’ve also provided video production services for a number of these programs to help move CFT’s story forward. Participating in events like Freedom Day gives our team a chance to use their talents in fun, creative ways that help those in need. Ultimately, CFT has become invaluable to our business practices and ability to impact the North Texas Region, while also serving as an extension of our company’s beliefs, values and commitment to service.

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