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Setting an Example

Generational Hands-on Service from the Scripps Family

“I enjoy being very hands-on,” says Debbie Scripps. “At Children’s Medical Center, I’ve loved doing a range of things from working in the gift shop to decorating the hospital to spending time with the kids.” Debbie and Ric Scripps, CFT fund holders, understand the value of giving back to their community. As their children have grown into adults, Ric and Debbie have seen them embrace their philanthropic side as well. “We try to be an example for our children,” says Debbie. “So it’s wonderful seeing our sons and their wives find their calling in volunteer work.”

While the Scripps were living in Minneapolis, their youngest son was born prematurely, bringing on many emotions and fear of the unknown and leading Debbie to volunteer at the hospital there. When the couple moved to Dallas in 1980, it was natural to get involved with Children’s Medical Center. Along with hands-on volunteering, the Scripps serve on the boards of many organizations in Dallas, including Children’s Medical Center Foundation and Dallas Children’s Advocacy Center. Ric is a member of the Salesmanship Club, where he mentors young students. “Reading with them and teaching them the value of an education is important. I tell them to never give up,” says Ric. “Keep trying to do your best at all times.”

If you would like to set up a free, confidential meeting with our expert staff to discuss your family’s philanthropy, contact Melissa Hardage at 214-750-4251 or mhardage@www.cftexas.org.

Melissa Hardage
Melissa Hardage
Senior Director of Donor Engagement

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