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Clare Torres

Deputy Director, Programs, College and Career Readiness, Educate Texas
Contact Information
Favorite quote
"A ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for."
— John A. Shedd
Favorite Aspect of CFT
"The people, joining in the midst of our new reality everyone has been incredibly helpful and supportive. I am proud to be part of an organization that is dedicated to their employees and the communities they serve."
Joined CFT

Clarissa works in the Rio Grande Valley as deputy director and regional lead of Educate Texas, ensuring the successful implementation of the College and Career Readiness Models blueprints and framework. She strives to increase the impact of Educate Texas across the Rio Grande Valley.

Prior to joining CFT, Clarissa worked with South Texas College as the dual credit program specialist and coordinator for Dual Credit Pathways and in the office of the dean for the college of social and behavioral sciences at the University of Texas-Pan American (now UT-RGV).

She holds a bachelor’s in communication studies from the University of Texas Pan American.

Clare’s Favorites
Equality for all, social and equal justice, women's rights, LGBTQ+ rights
Local Restaurant
University Drafthouse, 5X5 Brewing Co, Brewsome Brewing
Place to take out-of-towners
University Drafthouse, Casa De Marisco, South Padre Island
Spending time with friends and family, traveling, hiking, watching TV shows & movies

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