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David Deggs, Ph.D.

Senior Director, Higher Education
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Joined CFT

David is Educate Texas’ senior director of higher education. He leads efforts to transform Texas higher education by conceptualizing, developing, launching, and codifying programs that have the potential to drive student success, persistence, graduation, and career readiness.

Among his 25 years of experience in higher and adult education, David has worked at the campus, state, and national levels to develop and scale programs that support student success across the higher education and career continuum. He has held leadership positions with Louisiana Department of Education, Louisiana Campus Compact, Southern Methodist University, and University of Texas at Arlington.

He oversees the higher education and workforce team in advancing key programs like TxCAN, P-TECH Expansion, Career Connect Texas (CCTX), and IDEAS, while helping Educate Texas refine its higher education and workforce strategies to better serve students from disadvantaged communities.

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