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Octavio Morales

Technology Delivery Officer
Contact Information
Favorite quote
"In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity."
— Albert Einstein
Favorite Aspect of CFT
"My favorite part currently is seeing how excited staff get about the ways technology will improve their future. "
Joined CFT

As the Technology Delivery Officer for CFT, Octavio oversees the organization’s technology that empowers CFT to build thriving communities for all. A process redesign enthusiast and problem-solver at heart, Octavio loves to explore the connections between human capacity and technological advancement.

Prior to joining CFT, Octavio built and managed his own consulting firm focused on the integration of technology into human activity. He also worked for T.G. Mercer Consulting, an oil and gas firm, in a variety of roles, from project manager to director of technology to vice president.

Octavio’s Favorites
Volunteering for mentorship programs and Habitat for Humanity
Local Restaurant
Cafe Madrid in Dallas and Shinjuku Station in Fort Worth
Place to take out-of-towners
I love taking family and friends to check out our many new restaurants in town.
Eagle Mountain Park (outdoor trails, lake, hills, hiking and more), spending time with my family

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