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Dollars for College

Dollars for College is a children’s savings account (CSA) program providing families in Lancaster, Texas, with access to affordable, reliable, accessible college savings accounts for their children. It’s developed in partnership between Lancaster ISD, Richardson ISD, Communities Foundation of Texas, and United Way of Metropolitan Dallas.

Dollars For College

Did you know? Kids who grow up with as little as $500 saved are 3 times more likely to go to college and 4 times more likely to graduate.

How it works

Dollars for College 529 educational savings accounts will be opened for kindergarten and/or first grade students at participating schools in Lancaster and Richardson ISD. These accounts are seeded with $50 and linked to a student’s individual 529 account to be set up by parents or guardians. 

Families can make deposits in their student’s individual account at any time, and families and students also can earn incentives to grow their overall total savings. When the child is ready to pursue postsecondary education or training, they can access funds from these accounts to use toward that expense.

Show kids they’re
worth the investment


Jobs in Texas that will require postsecondary education by 2020


DISD students that currently complete a postsecondary degree within six years of high school graduation


Dallas’ child poverty rate, one of the highest among peer cities

More to Come

Lancaster ISD was the first participating school district for 2018-2019 in the Dallas area, with Richardson ISD launching in 2019, and many more to come! 

Dollars for College is grateful for the support of our generous funders and partners, including The Meadows Foundation, Boone Family Foundation, Dallas Social Venture Partners, United Way of Metropolitan Dallas, Wells Fargo, and the W.W. Caruth, Jr. Fund at Communities Foundation of Texas.

& Impact


participating schools in Lancaster and Richardson ISD


of eligible students opted in to the program


college savings accounts opened last year


in deposits made into accounts last year

Dollars for College Overview Video

Recent local media coverage:

Are you a Lancaster kindergarten family looking to register?

For the first year you are enrolled, the Dollars for College savings program will match, dollar-for-dollar, deposits of up to $100 dollars. Your child will also have the chance to earn up to $100 in additional money in the form of performance incentives, which will be explained by your school.

Donate Today.

Help us improve the future of our community and put local kids on the path to success.
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Ashley McIver
Community Investments, Director

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