Generous donations serve persons experiencing homelessness through:
Shelters serve those with no safe place to go and need a warm, safe place. For men and women, during inclement weather the City provides emergency overnight shelter and partners with programs to cover housing costs or refer those facing housing and food insecurity to emergency shelter and case management services.
See how the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center served as an emergency shelter during the COVID-19 Crisis.
Rehousing programs offer subsidized rent and case management to serve those facing recent housing crisis, rapidly providing persons experiencing homelessness with stable housing while equipping clients with the resources and support necessary to regain housing stability.
See what a difference placement in housing can make on those with income but lacking access to housing resources.
Long-term supportive housing offers affordable housing and case management for seniors and vulnerable young adults. These developments support people on fixed incomes facing housing instability to gain independence and become whole.
Learn how the St. Jude center in Dallas serves over 100 low-income seniors with housing and supportive services.
Diversion resources can quickly end a person’s struggles with housing insecurity. In addition to food and housing, diversion resources provide job training, case management and family reunification services to help clients meet goals and gain self-sufficiency.
Your donation directly funds efforts to provide safe housing to persons in Dallas experiencing homelessness. Together, we can make homelessness: rare, brief, and non-recurring.