The Tinnitus Research Initiative (TRI) Foundation is a non-profit international organization dedicated to better understanding tinnitus, with the goal of developing effective treatment for all kinds of tinnitus for the benefit of tinnitus sufferers. Tinnitus is an affliction that reaches across all socio-economic barriers, and touches individuals from any ethnic or religious group, and sexual orientation. Supported and coordinated by TRI, renowned scientists from all over the world are developing strategies for new therapies with the clear goal to cure tinnitus.
Founded in 2006, the TRI works on:
- Supporting scientific and clinical research with a special focus on a collaborative multi-disciplinary and international approach
- Facilitating communication and information transfer among researchers and clinicians by establishing thematic workgroups, organizing meetings, editing a regular TRI newsletter, and providing a communication platform
- Educating professionals who deal with tinnitus providing literature, organizing meetings, and developing diagnostic and therapeutic tools and guidelines