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  • 24HourDallas is an all-volunteer nonprofit that encourages collaborations, incubates cultural activity, champions sociable districts, and inspires business development – all to the benefit of Dallas’ nighttime economy.

    If you are interested in serving on this board, please contact Randall White at randall@24hourdallas.org

  • The board is looking for three new board members who support 24HourDallas’s mission of creating a safe, vibrant, and diverse nighttime culture for businesses, residents, and guests. Specific needs include:

    • Members must serve on one of the Standing Committees or Current Ad Hoc Committees
    • Standing Committee: experience in communication, finance and audit, fundraising, governance and nominating
    • Current Ad Hoc Committees: Cultural Innovation, Membership, Nighttime Economy, Nighttime Placemaking, Respect/Equity, Safety
    • Must be due-paid member (annual membership dues $25 for individuals or $100 for businesses/organizations as of this date)
    • Attendance of at least 75% of called meetings required (six board meetings, a board retreat, and an annual meeting)


  • They are looking for three new board members


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