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American Baroque Opera Co.

  • American Baroque Company (ABOC), based in Dallas, presents both familiar operas and rarely heard gems of the baroque as fully staged productions in an intimate style to educate new audiences about authentic early music performance practice. With the vision of bringing exceptional art to Dallas, ABOC is seeking three board members to join their board of directors.

    With a mission to provide educational opportunities to Dallas Independent School District (DISD) students, the American Baroque Opera Co. is excited to join hands with future board members.

    If you are interested in serving on this board, please contact Hillary Coyle at info@baroqueopera.org  

  • The purpose of American Baroque Opera Co. is to introduce early music performance practice to the Dallas youth scene. ABOC is seeking experienced board members and new leaders in the field of finance, law, medicine, and other professions who wish to be ambassadors of music and music education. New board members will begin terms in the fall.

    • Attend board meetings, held three times per year
    • Contribute financially to the organization at the $1,000 level or above
    • Attend three mainstage productions in addition to board meetings
  • Board service terms last three years.


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