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Dallas Branch of the International Dyslexia Association

  • The mission of the Dallas Branch of the International Dyslexia Association (IDA) is to advocate, educate, and support those with dyslexia or other related reading disorders. Dallas IDA provides education through a monthly speaker series, social media posts, and a large conference in February. Dallas IDA also provides financial need-based scholarships for students to receive structured literacy therapy and present about dyslexia to the community.

    If you are interested in serving on this board or have any questions, please contact admin@idadallas.org

  • The board is seeking two new members to serve three-year terms, and applications are accepted year-round. Dallas IDA desires board members who are self starters, have diverse employment backgrounds, and want to serve their community. It is helpful for a board member to have a connection to dyslexia, either personally or relationally, but is not required.

    • Attend nine board meetings, held at 9 am to 11 am on Saturdays throughout the year.
    • Participate in various committees.
    • Commit four to six hours per month depending on the time of year and the amount of business handled in committee meetings or via email. During conference time (February), the time required increases.
    • Attend Annual Regional Conference.
    • Donate to the organization at least once a year.
    • Take part in outreach events throughout the community.
    • Represent Dallas IDA in the community.
  • They are looking for two new board members.


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