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Erial’s College Mission

  • Erial’s College Mission was founded to donate school supplies and scholarships to high school seniors who are starting college during the fall semester. The organization wants to help with education disparities, making the college experience go more smoothly for students by providing them with essential needs. Erial’s College Mission provides students with everyday items and a scholarship to give them a foundation for success.

    If you are interested in serving on this board, please contact Erial Smith at Ecollegemission@gmail.com

  • Erial’s College Mission aims for board members who are passionate about providing students with a foundation for success and members with experience and skills in finance, marketing and social media, leadership, and fundraising. Ideal members will assist with overseeing the association, monitoring programs and services, financial management, providing legal and moral advice on the strategic plan, and measuring strategic plan progress.

    • Attend monthly meetings.
    • Volunteer two to three hours during community events and fundraisers.
    • Participate in fundraisers/community events. There are two to five events each year.
  • The board meets once per month and terms last one year.


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