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Housing Crisis Center

  • Founded in 1978, Housing Crisis Center (HCC) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization working to prevent homelessness and to stabilize those at risk of becoming homeless. The two aspects of their work are: Homeless Assistance – for households coming out of homeless and domestic violence shelters, and Homelessness Prevention Services – to keep households in the community from becoming homeless. They are seeking three new board members who are willing to make Housing Crisis Center one of the top five nonprofits they invest in financially.

    If you are interested in serving as a board member of Housing Crisis Center, please contact Kelvin Brown at kbrown@hccdallas.org

  • Housing Crisis Center seeks to diversify their board, especially in terms of the demographic make-up of members. HCC is looking for board members who are willing to contribute (or seek funding for the organization) at a “leadership level” of giving. This means Housing Crisis Center should be somewhere in the top 5 of their overall philanthropic giving list.

    • Financial – Board members are encouraged to give a financial gift that is meaningful to them or seek funding for the organization from their personal or professional networks

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