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Interfaith Ministries of Denton

  • Interfaith Ministries is a non-sectarian, non-denominational social services agency that provides short-term assistance to individuals and families in need.

    As the primary resource for short-term emergency assistance in Northern Denton County, Interfaith Ministries serves over 3,000 people a year. Interfaith’s goal is to prevent homelessness and help individuals become self-sufficient. Interfaith Ministries is supported by several area faith-based affiliates, individual donors, contracts, grant funding, and special events.

    If you are interested in serving on this board, please contact Sandy Swan at sandyswan@ifmdenton.org

  • Interfaith Ministries is looking for new board members to begin terms in the fall.  Prior nonprofit or social service experience is desired.

    • Members should live or work in Denton.
    • Members should attend board meetings held once per month.
    • Members should commit to four hours of volunteer work per month.
  • Board service terms last two years.


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