Maker District’s mission is to put tools and technology in the hands of the community and to make starting a creative business accessible to everyone. Their vision is to inspire and support making as a positive force that enriches the community. Their dream is to help foster the spark, that creative force in people, so that they can then project it and put their ideas into the world.
If you are interested in serving on this board, please contact Amanda Clark at amanda@makerdistrictdfw.com
They are seeking two diverse, experienced fundraisers that are well-connected within the community and who believe in their mission. An ideal candidate will have grant writing and/or programming experience.
They ask for 100% board participation and request that each board member make a “meaningful to them” financial contribution to the organization, that board members volunteer at 3 of the 4 events they have annually, and that a primary focus will be networking and fundraising.
Board meets six times per year and as needed.