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New Philharmonic Orchestra of Irving

  • Despite the name, the “New” Philharmonic Orchestra of Irving is a 34-year-old orchestra, performing “Sundays at the Symphony” every season on Sunday afternoons at the Irving Arts Center. The orchestra would like to be the first place a student or a family hears the classics performed live by a symphony orchestra.

    Audiences include families and students in Irving and the wider Dallas-Fort Worth area. The “Sundays at the Symphony” series features every sort of music for symphony orchestras, from symphonies and concertos, to selections from musicals and jazz, from opera arias and ensembles with soloists, to Duke Ellington’s jazz arrangement of Tchaikovsky’s “Nutcracker Suite”, or perhaps a performance of Tchaikovsky’s original suite, with live ballet.

    The orchestra works closely with Irving schools through “First Tickets,” a program for middle school orchestra students and their families, introducing students to the instruments of an orchestra and how music can tell a story. Sixth-grade new orchestra students join on a Tuesday night, then bring their families to the Irving Arts Center for a Sunday afternoon performance. For high school students, the orchestra schedules annual side-by-side performances and a concerto competition for high school students.

    If you are interested in serving on this board, please contact Betty Cox at bjtwhcsb@aol.com

  • The board is seeking new members, ideally members with experience in marketing/advertising or managing a small company or arts organization.

    • Contribute to the annual fund at any level and on NTX Giving Day in September.
    • Meet five times each season (August-May) for about one hour. Meetings are currently on Zoom.
  • Board member terms have no limit, but the organization would like at least two years.


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