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Noggin Educational Foundation

  • The mission of Noggin Educational Foundation is to close the achievement gap for economically disadvantaged children by providing educational opportunities for students, support for parents, and encouraging excellence and innovation in the classroom.

    If you are interested in serving on this board, please contact Doneda Bailey at doneda@nogginfoundation.org. To apply, click here.

  • The board is seeking new members to serve a two-year term. Noggin aims for a board member with leadership stature in the field of marketing, who will support the work of Noggin Educational Foundation, and provide mission-based leadership and strategic governance. Ideal candidates will have:

    • Experience in marketing strategy.
    • A commitment to, and understanding of, Noggin’s beneficiaries.
    • A commitment to the short and long-term growth of the organization.
    • A natural affinity for developing and cultivating relationships.
    • Personal qualities of integrity and credibility.
    • Passion for improving the lives of Noggin’s beneficiaries.
    • A commitment to serving as an ambassador for the organization and sharing its mission with its sphere of influence and beyond.
    • A commitment to ensuring the organization has the financial and human resources it needs to fulfill its mission.
    • Give five hours per month.
    • Chair the marketing committee.
    • Participate in programs at least three days per year.
    • Attend monthly, one-hour committee meetings.
    • Attend quarterly, two-hour board meetings.
    • Give a personal donation of at least $50 per month.
    • Commit to fundraising to help meet the goals of the organization.
  • The board meets quarterly, and committees meet monthly.


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