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Park Forest Library Friends

  • Since 1995, the Park Forest Library Friends (PFLF) has existed for the support and betterment of the Park Forest Branch Library located at the corner of Forest Lane and Cromwell Drive in Dallas, Texas. The Park Forest Library Friends is a member and donation based 501c3 non profit organization. The library offers many opportunities to be involved with community members, to learn new skills, and to experience exciting programming.

    Through generous donations and membership dues, the Friends have helped to fund programs for children, teen, adult, and senior patrons of the Park Forest Branch. The Friends proudly sponsor educational and cultural events to support the unique needs and interests of their neighborhood community. In recent years, the Friends provided funds for programming for all ages, sponsored “shred day”, sponsored Drumba, and held an annual summer bookmark competition. The Friends have also made it possible for the library to celebrate Star Wars Day on May 4th, celebrate cultures in our community, and family events such as International New Year’s Eve.

  • The Park Forest Library Friends are searching for four new board members (two-year commitment) who are interested in promoting and supporting the Park Forest Library. They are looking for one of the new members to become Treasurer.

    Board member needs to have a Dallas Public Library card and become a member of the Park Forest Library Friends. Membership options range from $5-100 (an individual membership is $20). The Board meets 4-5 times a year for 1.5 hours. There are some additional committees/responsibilities that one can volunteer for that would take more time.

    If you are interested in serving on this board, please contact Traci Webster at traci.webster20@gmail.com


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