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Texas Winds Musical Outreach

  • Texas Winds Musical Outreach takes live music out of the concert hall and brings it directly to people who have less of an opportunity to experience it: senior citizens, hospital patients, veterans, and preschool children. Their professional musicians perform 1,900 concerts annually, reaching thousands in North Texas nursing homes, hospitals, and Head Start Centers.

    If you are interested in serving on this board, please contact Jeff Sundberg at jeff@texaswinds.org

  • Texas Winds Musical Outreach is looking for five new board members who would serve three, two-year terms but could opt out at the end of any term. They are looking for individuals that have a passion for the arts. Legal, accounting, and non-profit leadership backgrounds are preferred but not required. The board members meet six times a year (every other month) for about two hours each time. Each board member also serves on a committee (Finance, Marketing, Governance). Each of those committees meet in the opposite month of the board meetings.


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