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  • The Way Back’s mission is to provide reentry services to formerly incarcerated individuals in North Texas, so they may change the trajectory of their lives and reenter society with the tools and skills to be successful. The Way Back provides pathways to economic mobility, empowering individuals to become stable, restoring families, and creating safer communities.

    The Way Back addresses the overarching effects of criminal justice system involvement by developing individualized supportive service plans to support client goals and increase self-sufficiency. The Way Back’s work reduces poverty, recidivism, and generational incarceration.

    If you are interested in serving on this board, please email Robert Manley at rmanley@thewaybackhouse.org

  • The Way Back seeks four new members to serve three-year terms beginning September 1, and aims to diversify its board membership, including ethnic diversity and additional female board members. Preferred skills are philanthropy, fundraising, community connectivity, and knowledge of reentry.

    • Attend monthly board meetings.
    • Serve approximately three hours per month, including the board meeting, committee meetings, calls, etc.
  • They are seeking four new board members.


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