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Trauma Support Services

  • Trauma Support Services is committed to providing trauma-informed mental health services to trauma survivors and victims of crime. They also offer quality training to mental health and criminal justice professionals, law enforcement, and the community at large on being trauma-informed in their work.

  • The ideal candidate is someone who is engaged and ready to actively attend board meetings, contribute to discussions, and possess a genuine interest in the organization. Trauma Support Services would like someone who thinks outside the box and lends assistance in those areas that they lack on their board currently. They would like someone who can think strategically, consider the long-term goals of the organization, who can work collectively, and make an impact.

    They expect board members to participate in hybrid board service, by attending some portion of meetings and events in person while allowing for some virtual meeting and event engagement. Board members are asked to support programmatic in-person events, attend virtual meetings, and attend in-person board retreats. They are expected to give or get a personally meaningful financial contribution and are expected to participate in fundraising activities.

    The board meets monthly and is looking for two new members to begin their term (two years) in the Summer of 2024.

    If you are interested in serving on this board or volunteering, please contact Christina Richardson at christina@tssnt.org


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