Understanding your “Why?” matters.
Giving may be easy, but it’s not always easy to decide what matters most to you. Our popular, rewarding, and fun GiveWisely® course empowers you to think critically about giving — to discover your core values and gain a clear idea of what you want to support and how best to go about it. You’ll also learn how to powerfully say “yes” or “no,” based on whether an opportunity is aligned with your giving focus. Let us help make giving easier, more effective, and more meaningful to you.
Let us help you develop your unique approach to giving.
Individual and family sessions are complimentary for CFT fundholders. They are offered virtually and in-person and can be customized to last as little as 45 minutes or expand into a full workshop experience, depending on your goals and focus areas.
Not a CFT fundholder? CFT can customize a session for your family, group, or business to help bring more focus and effectiveness to your giving. For more information, contact Elizabeth Liser at 214-750-4234 or at eliser@www.cftexas.org.
Customized session topics can include:
Identifying your values and passions
We’ll help you reconnect with the core values that drive your decision-making, and pinpoint your passions in order to explore areas where you might want to invest charitably.
Evaluating effectiveness
We’ll help you align with community needs and the nonprofits that serve them.
Understanding your personal giving style
We’ll help you consider the unique ways you like to structure and focus your giving. Do you prefer supporting direct services (i.e. supporting an individual school) or a more systemic approach (i.e. improving education across an entire city)? Do well-established or more innovative approaches to community issues appeal to you? These questions and others will help identify your best fit for nonprofits in your areas of interest.
Charitable budgeting
We’ll show you how to simply and proactively plan your giving while considering your holistic financial picture and the opportunity for unexpected charitable opportunities.
Maintaining Focus and Impact
We’ll help you create a simple plan to move forward with what you’ve learned.
Explore your values and passions now.
GiveWisely® helped me think about my personal values and the legacy I want to leave. It truly helps people hone in on their passions. The result is giving effectiveness and increased personal satisfaction. It was the best thing I did all year!
We’re here to help you GiveWisely®.
Connect with our team so we can help you craft your own unique way to give.