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John G. and Betty Erwin Phillips Scholarship Fund

Deadline: March 1, 2025
  • John G. and Betty Erwin Phillips Scholarship Fund

    The John G. and Betty Erwin Phillips Scholarship Fund provide undergraduate and graduate scholarships of up to $15,000 to graduates of Mexia High School, Mexia Texas on the basis of need and merit in memory of Jack Phillips’ father, John G. Phillips, and mother, Betty Erwin Phillips.

    Deadline: March 1, 2025
    • Eligible applicants must be graduating seniors or past graduates of Mexia High School in Mexia, Texas.
    • Applicants must have a cumulative high school or college GPA of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale.
    • Applicants must be in good standing as a student.
    • Applicants must be United States citizens or documented legal residents of the United States.
  • The selection criteria shall include school and community participation, academic achievement, and financial need.

    Applicants are required to complete the FAFSA prior to applying in order to complete the Financial Need Section of the Universal Application, submit a required essay, and provide two letters of recommendation.


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