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CFT Building

The Mabel Peters Caruth Center is a private facility, available to fundholders, nonprofit and corporate partners.

Host your next event in style.

The Mabel Peters Caruth Center (MPCC) is a first-class facility that serves as a location for collaboration for the North Texas nonprofit community, donors, and businesses. Annually, the center hosts 300+ events, bringing together more than 20,000 people for strategic meetings, conferences, ceremonies, and luncheons.

If your organization is interested in scheduling an event at the Mabel Peters Caruth Center, click the button below to check our availability.

Have questions?
We’ve got answers.

What size groups can be accommodated?
Small groups in individual meeting and conference rooms, as well as large groups (200+) can be accommodated at the Mabel Peters Caruth Center. Contact events@cftexas.org with specific questions on rooms and availability.
When is the MPCC available for use?
Meeting and event space is available on a limited basis between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday – Friday. Please allow an additional 30 minutes for setup and cleanup within the Foundation’s regular hours. The facility is not available on weekends or holidays. Evening use may be granted on a very limited basis and is subject to an hourly overtime fee.
Do you provide onsite catering services?
No. However, we will provide a list of approved caterers. The facility has a full-service commercial catering kitchen that can be used to accommodate food services from the approved caterers.
What A/V services are available?
Some meeting spaces are equipped with technology for visual presentations. The Community Room has microphones available, including lectern and wireless. Standard HDMI input capabilities are available. Individuals with other media sources or Mac® computing needs are responsible for bringing their own adapters and/or cables. More involved A/V may be provided with an extra fee and must be contracted in advance through the meeting and events team at CFT.
Do you provide any meeting incidentals (coffee, drinks, snacks, dinnerware, office supplies, copies, etc.)?
We do not provide coffee, soda, bottled water, cups, condiments, dining ware (silverware, plates, napkins, glasses, etc.). These items must be provided by the host organization. We are glad to make our commercial ice maker available. We also do not provide any office supplies, such as pens, paper, Post-it notes, and we do not provide any copy services. Flipchart easels are available for use at no additional charge. However, the host organization must provide easel pads and markers.
Is there a cost associated with using the spaces?
Yes, there is a nominal fee for use of conference rooms and event spaces at the Mabel Peters Caruth Center. All catering arrangements and rental costs associated with the meeting are the responsibility of the host organization. Additionally, use of the facility outside of normal business hours is subject to an hourly overtime fee.

Please reach out to our Events Team with any questions at events@cftexas.org.
What is required for cleaning up after the meeting?
The host organization is responsible for wiping down all tables used for their respective event in order to assist us in providing a clean and safe environment for our guests. We will provide Clorox Wipes for the organization’s use. If trash accumulates, it must be removed from the room and placed in the dumpster located off of the loading dock.
Who do I contact when I reach the venue and/or when my meeting or event is over?
A designated representative from your organization must check in with our staff at the front desk upon arrival and also check out with our staff before leaving. Please allow sufficient time to walk the spaces with our staff before leaving the property. In the event of damage to the rooms or equipment, the host organization will be responsible for reimbursing us for the repair and/or cleaning required. We will provide notice of such issues within five (5) working days of the conclusion of the event. Companies contracted for any cleaning or repairs will be selected and managed by us, and a bill will be sent directly to the organization following completion of services and should be paid promptly.

Looking for a place to meet?

If you are a CFT grantee or fundholder interested in scheduling an event, please contact us.

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Nicole Afseth
Meeting and Events Manager
CoralSimpkins Mims I SQ scaled
Coral Simpkins-Mims
Meeting and Events Manager

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