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BUILD Create a legacy of generosity that lives on.

Support for generations to come.

The greatest gift you can leave behind is a plan. We can help you build the legacy you deserve. We’re here to discuss your options and guide you, every step of the way. 

Your passion to uplift what matters to you can last beyond a lifetime. Partner with CFT to plan long-lasting support for your favorite organizations. Planned gifts can even provide a lifelong income for your family.

generations come

You can give through your will.

Choose what, when, and how much you want to give.
  1. A specific dollar amount
    There’s no minimum donation to make an impact.
    Example: I give and bequeath $100,000 to CFT.
  2. Property
    You can leave almost any type of valuable asset.
    Example: I give and bequeath our primary residence in Dallas, Texas, and the art collection within the primary residence to CFT.
  3. Residuary gift
    You may give the remainder of their estate in whole or in part.
    Example: I give and bequeath 50% of the residual of my estate to CFT.
  4. Contingent gift
    You may want to give a gift only if certain conditions are met.
    Example: I give and bequeath my ranch property to my spouse, if they survive me. If my spouse does not survive me, I give and bequeath my ranch property to CFT.
  1. Unrestricted gift
    The gift is made to CFT to support our community.
  2. Field of interest gift
    You choose a philanthropic area you're passionate about.
  3. Gift to an existing fund
    Donors may leave gifts to funds that they established before their deaths.
  4. Create a fund
    You may give through their will to create a new fund administered by their children or by CFT’s philanthropy committee. The fund may honor someone or serve as a memorial tribute.

You can establish a trust.

Care for family. Support charities. Realize tax deductions.
Establishing a trust is a complex process. We are happy to work with your legal and financial advisors to identify the right choice for you and your family.

By gifting assets to establish a charitable remainder trust, you receive an immediate tax deduction and lifetime income for you or your named beneficiary/ies. You also reduce, or avoid, capital gains taxes associated with the gifted asset. When the trust’s term is complete, the remaining assets pass on to Communities Foundation of Texas to be used for charitable good.

There are two types of charitable remainder trusts:


The beneficiary of a charitable remainder unitrust receives an amount each year determined by multiplying a fixed percentage by the fair market value of the invested assets of the trust which are valued annually. Upon the beneficiary’s death, or a term not to exceed 20 years, payments terminate and the unitrust assets go to a fund at CFT or a named nonprofit. Payments, therefore, fluctuate with the market and may provide a hedge against inflation.


The beneficiary of the trust receives a fixed dollar amount annually. Upon the death of the beneficiary, or a term not to exceed 20 years, payments end and the annuity trust assets are transferred to a fund at CFT.


A charitable lead trust has a different order of events than the charitable remainder trust. Payments are made to CFT and your fund for a charitable lead trust term is measured by the remaining lifetime of an individual or a predetermined number of years (there is no 20-year limit as with charitable remainder trusts), with either a reversion to the original donor or other named individuals.

There are two types of charitable lead trusts:

Charitable lead unitrusts pay CFT an amount determined by multiplying a percentage (set at the outset) by the net fair market value of the trust assets valued annually. Then the trust principal goes to the non-charitable remaining persons (or in rare cases reverts to the donor).

During periods of low interest rates, the annuity payment option is attractive for donors, as more assets may be passed on to heirs with reduced or eliminated gift or estate tax costs.

Charitable lead annuity trusts pay CFT a fixed dollar amount set at the outset for the term of the trust. Afterward, the principal goes to the non-charitable remaining persons (or in rare cases reverts to the donor).


A charitable gift annuity is a way for you to receive a guaranteed income for life and an immediate income tax deduction, while at the same time leaving a charitable legacy.

Through a charitable gift annuity, you receive a fixed stream of income for life. After paying the lifetime annuity to you and your spouse, the remaining principal will be used by CFT to benefit the community or to your named charitable fund to accomplish your specific charitable goals.

How to establish a charitable gift annuity in exchange for your charitable gift:

CFT agrees to make fixed payments for life to one or two annuitants. The size of the payment is determined at the time the gift is made and will not fluctuate with the market. We establish gift annuities in amounts of $10,000 or greater.

If you choose to defer payments for longer than a year, you can take a larger immediate charitable income tax deduction and receive a higher payout once payments begin.

When you contribute to a gift annuity, you decide which charitable organization or cause your gift annuity contribution will ultimately support.

You receive an immediate income tax charitable deduction for a portion of your gift, and this deduction can be taken over as many as six consecutive tax years. If your gift is funded with appreciated assets, you normally have a reduction in capital gains tax as well.

A Passion for Community

Mary Anne Sammons Cree leaves legacy of giving through CFT’s Live Oak Legacy Society
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CFT partners with fund holders like Mary Anne to identify their charitable passions, both during their lifetime and to carry out their legacy of giving beyond their lifetime.
- Melissa Hardage, Senior Director of Donor Engagement
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Legacy Matters

Many generous fund holders give through their estate plans, including the late Dr. Fred M. Lange and Blanche Swanzy Lange.
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Through their estate plans, the Langes set up an endowment fund at CFT with three separate beneficiaries to ensure ongoing support of organizations they loved.
- Carolyn Newham, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
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We’re Furthering Family Values

Ann and Taoreed Badmus are engaged in philanthropy individually and now as a family through their fund at CFT.
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We wanted to involve our children in our charitable giving plans beyond our lifetime from the very beginning.
- Dr. Taoreed, CFT fundholder
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live oak logo

The Live Oak Society

The Live Oak Society is our way of recognizing, thanking, and honoring those who have named Communities Foundation of Texas as the beneficiary of any type of planned or deferred gift.

Anonymous (5)

Raj & Aradhana Asava
Peggy Atkerson
The Louise P. Backa Charitable Fund
Jeff Balcombe
Jim and Hong Bass
Mr. Wylie D. Cavin and Dr. Lillian W. Cavin
Brent E. Christopher
Betty Taylor Cox
Carter Creech
Rhonda Helms Daugherty and Randal Daugherty
Michael and Barbara Eberhardt
Ann and Charles Eisemann
John Lill and Veletta Forsythe-Lill
Don and Beverly Freeman
GiGi Gartner
Suzy and Larry Gekiere
Carol and Mark Goglia
Corrine and Tom Greco
Jeremy Gregg
Keith and D'Etta Hughes
Martha and Chandler Hugh Jackson Youth Fund
Amy Johnson
Sonia King Charitable Fund
Cece and Ford Lacy
Sarah Losinger
Lynne and Allen Mabry
Phyllis Meyerson
Eric and Jeannie Nadel
Carolyn and Denton Newham
Pankey Family Fund
Bill and Gayle Parker
Raymond J. and Linda Hardin Pekowski
Chris Freeman Popolo
Andy and Jackie Schwitter
Andy Smith and Paul von Wupperfeld
Susan Swan Smith
Stoops-Strobel Legacy Fund
Karen S. Stuart
Philip W. Suomu
Robert E. and Jean Ann Titus
Gary and Rosie Walker
The Jean and Tom Walter Family
Kay and Bill Wehunt
Marnie and Kern Wildenthal
Elaine Wright
Elizabeth Anne Ala
Pearl C. Anderson
Vonia Fritzess Van London Anderson
William D. Barrett
Patricia A. Bernstein
Forrest R. Biard
Jesse North Bigbee
Isadore H. and Eleanor R. Bonifas
Bill C. and Jean Hollowell Booziotis
Barbara and Bill E. Brice, Sr.
Norman Brinker
Frances and Jack Brown
Hattie Louise Browning
Jane and Bill Browning
Beryle G. Burdyn
Roberta Coke Camp
George Peters Caruth
Mabel Peters Caruth
William Walter Caruth, Jr.
Eddie Connor Case
Allison Cassens
Anson L. Clark
Margaret Motley Ashmore Cohen
C. W. & Dorothy Anne Conn
Sherry Wigley Crow
J.B. Daiches
V. A. and Earline Davidson
Lucile and Clarence Dragert
Jack McKinney Dumas
George Adeline and Jules H. Fine
James Carl and Hazel Ruby Forbes
Etha Reagin Forman
Edward C. Fritz
Louise Gartner
Richard L. Garver
Charlotte W. and Joseph W. Geary
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Gordin
Elaine W. Gordon
Wallace and Sydney Hall
Harriet Halsell
Jack H. and Jane R. Hamilton
J. C. and Kaye Harrington
Tom A. Harris
Robert J. Hertich
Ben O. Hindman
Margaret Horn
T. B. and Dorothy Hudson
Lawrence and C. Susan Ingram
Ruby Jennings
Robert L. Jensen
Lawrence Wendl and Loraine Froelich Jones
Bess W. Jones
John G. and Elena S. Kenedy
Lucille Brown Kennedy
Hazel Kyle
C. T. and Eula C. LaMaster
Fred M. Lange
Dean & Billye Libby
Bryan and Marcella G. Long
Martha D. Lytton
Betty Jeanne MacArthur
Elaine M. Mathes
Ruth Maxwell
Hugh and Mary Ann McAfee
Charles V. McCarter
Paul D. & Margaret M McElroy
Helen Medlin & John Michael Beidel
K. K. Meisenbach
Keith L. and Clela Ketchum Merrick
C. C. and Rosalind Miao
Ludwig A. and Carmen M. Michael
Margot W. and Ben H. Mitchell
Granville C. and Gladys H. Morton
John and Rheba Myers
Phyllis W. Nelson
William F. and Noreen L. Nicol
Phoebe & Russell H. Perry
Donald R. Polan
Leonard E. Powell
Grier and Louise Raggio
Julia M. Repp
Kristofer Robinson
Daniel C. Russell
Morton H. and Hortense L. Sanger
Lillie Mae Schwetke
Ernest H. Seelhorst
Gary Shafer
Jeanne Shelby
Robert F. and Carolyn K. Sherman
Allan Shivers, Jr., Brian M. Shivers,
Marialice Shivers Ferguson
Charles R. Sitter
Vinitia C. and Cecil L. Smith
Geraldine Willens Sobel
William Soza
James Weldon & Bess Fleming Thomas
Robert B. Trull
William A. Turner, Jr.
Jack M. Tuttle, Jr.
Dorothy Hill Volk
Ernest G. and Irene H. Wadel
Travis T. Wallace
Adolph and Pauline Weinberger
Lucy Wight
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Wigley, Jr.
Joel and Betty Lu Williams
Ivor and Mildred Wold
Arthur L. Wolf
Manny B. and Janis R. Zelzer

Ready to get started?

Let us help you develop your customized, strategic giving plan.

CarolynNewham 2021 sq
Carolyn A. Newham, J.D.
General Counsel and Corporate Secretary
Morgan Richards I SQ scaled
Morgan Richards
Director, Charitable Gift Planning

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