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Supporting our Allen community, together

$500,000 donated to CFT’s Support for Allen Fund
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More than 650 individuals, families, and businesses have given a combined $500,000 to CFT’s Support for Allen Fund to assist local nonprofits.
- Tammy Mahan, Chief Executive Officer at LifePath Systems
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More than 650 individuals, families, and businesses have given a combined $500,000 to CFT’s Support for Allen Fund to assist local nonprofits providing resources and services in response to the tragic mass shooting at Allen Premium Outlets. Grants from the fund are being made to nonprofits providing mental health, grief, and trauma support for the victims and their families, as well as the impacted first responders.

Initial grants totaling $225,000 have been awarded to Children’s Advocacy Center of Collin CountyLifePath SystemsMeadows Mental Health Policy Institute, and Texas Muslim Women’s Foundation. Additional grants will be awarded in the coming months for ongoing and long-term recovery services.

Grantee Spotlight: LifePath Systems

Amount Awarded: $125,000

Grant Purpose: To support ongoing mental health and trauma services to Allen and Collin County community members and those impacted by the shooting.

LifePath Systems is the designated behavioral health and intellectual and developmental disabilities authority for Collin County, operating as a unit of local government and a nonprofit center to provide essential mental health, substance use, intellectual and developmental disability services to families and individuals. The team at LifePath worked quickly and closely with the City of Allen to open and staff the Family Assistance Center after the mass shooting, where they provided free grief and trauma support to victims and those impacted.

Their staff went store to store to provide support at the Allen Premium Outlets as they reopened. LifePath now continues to host a hotline for anyone affected, offering services at no-cost.

“This initial grant funding from CFT’s Support for Allen Fund is helping significantly as we onboard additional staff and contractors, and as we continue our outreach and education to ensure that those impacted are aware of the trauma response counseling and therapy resources available to them,” said Tammy Mahan, Chief Executive Officer at LifePath Systems.

Funding will support the new Center for Healing in partnership LifePath Systems, known as a community resiliency center, on their McKinney campus, where licensed therapists and crisis counselors will work closely with those affected by the shooting. They will also offer specialized therapy for youth experiencing mental health issues, and are working closely with school districts to ensure parents and students have access to resources. For more information, call LifePath at 972-422-5939 or visit CenterforHealingTX.org.


Grantee Spotlight: Children’s Advocacy Center of Collin County 

Amount Awarded: $50,000

Grant Purpose: : To support Children’s Advocacy Center of Collin County’s current services and support for clients impacted by the Allen shooting.

Children’s Advocacy Center (CAC) of Collin County supplied staff to aid at the Family Assistance Center established by FBI Dallas Field Office and Allen Police Department following the shooting. CAC of Collin County assembled coping kits, crafts, and art supplies, and provided child engagement services for children who came to the Family Assistance Center.

CAC of Collin County team members were on-site throughout the entire time the center was open, working with children while their parents sought support. In addition,  CAC of Collin County provided crisis intervention and clinical services in the immediately to children and their extended family, and has continued to provide therapeutic services to victims who were present at the shooting, as well as for their family members.

CAC of Collin County provides a range of therapeutic services, including art and music therapy, and treats the whole family.  In addition to their direct services, CAC of Collin County’s Chief Operating Officer met with Texas DPS to discuss policies, procedures, and best practices for helping children in mass shooting situations. At their urging, the state association, Children’s Advocacy Centers of Texas convened a meeting of state CAC’s to develop a playbook to assist in future mobilization.

“We appreciate Communities Foundation of Texas’ commitment to our community, their support helped us respond to this tragedy while continuing to serve children who have experienced abuse and neglect,” said Lynne McLean, Chief Executive Officer at CAC of Collin County.

The organization continues to be actively engaged with the on-going response and request for services and support, and will assist for as long as needed.

Grantee Spotlight: Meadows Mental Health Policy Institute 

Amount Awarded: $40,500 

Grant Purpose: Funding for the DFW First Responders Support Network that provided clinical services to officers who responded to the shooting and their families, as well as support for the new “Blue Chip” program that helps officers access confidential mental health services. 

The Texas Law Enforcement Peer Network (TLEPN) was established in 2022 by the UNT Dallas Caruth Police Institute and is a trailblazing statewide peer support initiative that is accessible around the clock to Texas law enforcement officers. This confidential and anonymous network seeks to ensure the well-being of those who commit themselves to safeguarding our communities, connecting officers with trained peers equipped to assist with managing stress, trauma, and fatigue.

In response to the mass shooting in Allen, TLEPN and the Meadows Mental Health Policy Institute/Caruth Police Institute formulated a response plan launched at the Allen Police Department to provide mental health resources to impacted officers and their families. Clinical support was provided by the DFW First Responders Support Network, which consists of more than 40 culturally competent clinicians who saw 120 unique visits in the initial three weeks following the tragedy.

The Texas Blue Chip Program

Bluechip-image.jpg.aspx?width=300&height=127In response to events such as the May 2023 shooting in Allen, in late August, the Meadows Mental Health Policy Institute introduced the Texas Blue Chip Program, a groundbreaking initiative aimed at offering North Texas law enforcement officers an additional access point for confidential and free mental health services in collaboration with TLEPN.

“While officers may have avenues for private mental health care through insurance or peer networks, many still hesitate to seek help, even in the aftermath of traumatic incidents. The Texas Blue Chip Program offers an additional anonymous channel through which officers can obtain assistance on their own terms,” said B.J. Wagner, senior vice president of health and public safety at the Meadows Mental Health Policy Institute.

The Texas Blue Chip Program introduces specially designed poker chips that are accessible at police stations throughout the region and virtually on the TLEPN app. These chips grant an officer access to free, discreet, and confidential counseling sessions with mental health providers.

The urgency of this program is underscored by the distressing statistic that Texas recorded the highest number of law enforcement officer suicides in 2022, with a total of 16 lives lost.


Read this news in the media: 
Dallas Morning News
Fort Worth Report 
KRLD News Radio 1080 
WFAA (Video Clip)

Grantee Spotlight: Texas Muslim Women’s Foundation

Amount Awarded: $10,000

Grant Purpose: To recognize Texas Muslim Women’s Foundation’s past and ongoing efforts in supporting those affected by the Allen Shooting

Texas Muslim Women’s Foundation (TMWF) stepped in immediately after the Allen shooting to offer a range of specialized services tailored address trauma and grief.

TMWF provided trained counselors and therapists as needed for community members, including minors, as well as created a series of “healing circles” that included counselors, faith leaders, law enforcement, youth, advocates, and families to foster a series of discussions on the intersections around the issues and trauma. These dialogues served as a channel for expression, comfort and healing.

Several of the victims of the shooting were South Asian, and TWMF stepped in support a community struggling with grief, emotional, and psychological challenges that arise from such profound loss. The organization will continue to support community members with counseling services and dialogue as needed, as they are committed to the continued healing of the entire community. TMWF serves everyone regardless of faith and/or culture.

“In addition to aiding domestic violence victims, this grant from CFT is a positive ripple effect on the community as a whole. By addressing and supporting victims, staff and community after Allen shooting, TMWF contributes to a safer and healthier community environment. I believe this leads to reduced social and healthcare costs, improved community well-being, and a stronger, more cohesive society where individuals feel safer and more supported,” said Mona Kafeel, CEO of Texas Muslim Women’s Foundation.

Nicole Paquette
Nicole Paquette
Senior Director, Communications, Public Relations, and External Affairs

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