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Amir Tabei

Chief Information Officer
Contact Information
Favorite quote
Leadership is not about being in charge. It is about taking care of those in your charge.
— Simon Sinek, author
Favorite Aspect of CFT
"I’m inspired by the diversity of causes CFT supports and the profound impact it has on the North Texas community."
Joined CFT

As chief information officer, Amir leads the foundation’s ongoing commitment to support and promote the strategic use of information technology to advance its overall mission. He oversees the development and implementation of IT strategies that maximize impact, ensure security and achieve lasting value.

Prior to joining CFT, Amir was the chief information officer at the Dallas Museum of Art, where he led groundbreaking initiatives to enhance accessibility and interactivity through technology, earning the 2024 Tech Titans Emerging Innovation Award for his AI-driven Art Detection project. Under his leadership, the museum transitioned to cloud-based systems and embraced remote work, marking a significant cultural shift in its 120-year history.

Amir’s previous senior technology leadership roles include positions at Susan G. Komen, Npower, Aidmatrix and Techbridge, where he led global teams and implemented transformative solutions that streamlined operations and amplified impact.

Amir has completed advanced studies in business intelligence at Southern Methodist University and digital transformation at the University of California, Berkeley.


Amir serves on the Texas Diversity Council, he is the executive CIO host at Tech Allies and an advisory board member for Kodi Connect.
Amir’s Favorites
Advancing diversity, inclusion and accessibility
Local Restaurant
Ferrari's Italian Villa, Nonna and Shiraz
Place to take out-of-towners
The Dallas Arts District, The Dallas Arboretum and the Reunion Tower
Spending time on the golf course, experimenting with global cuisines in the kitchen, staying active through weightlifting, and giving back to the community through service projects.

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