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Shareea Woods

Director, Texas College Access Network, Educate Texas
Contact Information
Favorite quote
“Most people overestimate what they can do in one year and underestimate what they can do in ten years.”
— Bill Gates
Favorite Aspect of CFT
"I love working for CFT because I am able to support organizations across Texas that are working hard every day to serve our children. I have the privilege of learning from their diverse perspectives and developing supports and resources to make their lives easier and their work more effective."
Joined CFT

Shareea is the director of the Texas College Access Network (TxCAN). TxCAN convenes Local College Access Networks to facilitate the rapid adoption of promising practices. It also serves as a data hub for college access programs by providing interactive FAFSA dashboards and other benchmarking tools.

Prior to joining the Educate Texas team in 2018, Shareea directed the After the Bell Alliance for Dallas Afterschool, advocating for funding and support for expanded, affordable after-school programs.

Prior to that, she served as the chief program officer for the Young Women’s Preparatory Network, where she helped establish and support public all-girls schools across Texas.

Shareea holds a bachelor’s in psychology from the University of Southern California and a master’s of public policy from the Harvard University Kennedy School.

Shareea’s Favorites
Local Restaurant
HG Supply Company
Place to take out-of-towners
Klyde Warren Park and the Cowboys Stadium Tour
Photography, spending time with my family, trying new restaurants

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