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Yvonne Alm

Deputy Director, Programs, Teaching & Leading and Texas Impact Network, Educate Texas
Contact Information
Favorite quote
"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit."
— Aristotle
Favorite Aspect of CFT
"The people have been amazing, as well as the opportunity to affect systems-level change!"
Joined CFT

Yvonne serves as the Deputy Director of Programs for Effective Teaching & Leading and the Texas Impact Network. In this role, Yvonne leads work to support school district human capital systems and strategic staffing across the state of Texas to ensure all students have access to the effective teachers and leaders they need.

Yvonne previously served in the Best in Class initiative for Educate Texas, during which she was responsible for managing and leading key initiatives including the expansion of the ACE school model.

Prior to joining CFT, Yvonne worked in Leadership Pipeline Development in Dallas ISD, working to develop highly effective future principals. Yvonne started her career as a teacher and leader in Dallas at Uplift Education.

Yvonne holds a bachelor’s in public relations from Pepperdine University, a master’s in educational leadership from Southern Methodist University, an MBA from the University of Texas at Austin, McCombs School of Business and a post-graduate certificate in education finance from Georgetown University.

Yvonne’s Favorites
Educational equity
Local Restaurant
Ida Claire, True Food Kitchen
Place to take out-of-towners
Bishop Arts and Emporium Pies
Traveling, spending time with friends, trying new restaurants, going to Dallas Mavericks games

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