Fund Options > Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy
Communities Foundation of Texas (CFT) is committed to maintaining the confidentiality, integrity and security of personal information entrusted to us by our donors and all others who use this website.
CFT does not sell, rent, loan, or otherwise share any information about them. However your personal information may be transferred to third parties, without notice to you, in order to comply with applicable law, law enforcement agencies, to protect our rights, or protect the rights of other users of this website.
Information collected:
Your Information: In the course of using the website, CFT may ask you to provide certain information, including contact information, such as your name, address, and e-mail address; you may be asked to complete a registration form and provide personally identifiable information; you may also be asked to choose a user ID and password in order to take advantage of certain features of the website (Donor Website). Participation in registration is voluntary and you will have the opportunity to decide whether or not to disclose information to the website.
Site Usage Information: Whenever you use this website, certain types of internet usage information may be received and stored; information from your browser, including your IP address, pages visited, the length of time you spend on the site, and files you download is recorded in the website server logs. However, no personal information is collected during the tracking process.
E-mail Information: In the course of general operations, CFT may send you e-mails or you may send e-mails to CFT. CFT keeps track of these e-mails, and information associated with these e-mails.
CFT provides links to external websites from our website. Unless expressly stated otherwise, Communities Foundation of Texas makes no representations whatsoever concerning the content or privacy policies of those sites. If you visit a website that is linked to our website, you should consult that website’s privacy policy before providing any personal information.
By using this website, you signify your agreement to the terms of our privacy policy. CFT may amend this privacy policy at any time. If CFT makes a material change to the way in which information is collected, used and/or shared, CFT will post a notice on the website. CFT assumes that you have given your permission for your information to be used under the terms of the new privacy policy, if you do not respond within 30 days or continue to use the website 30 days after a notice is posted.
CFT’s Commitment to Our Fund Holders
(Updated March 1, 2021)
Communities Foundation of Texas is committed to respecting and protecting the privacy of our fund holders. We will not sell, share, or trade our donors’ names or personal information with any other organization or entity.
This policy applies to all information received by Communities Foundation of Texas, both online and offline, on our Donor Portal, as well as any electronic, written, or oral communications. Donor records and other donor information are highly confidential and protected by this policy. We collect and maintain the following types of donor information:
Personal information, including name, organization, complete address, phone number, email address, and biographical information;
Information about your gift(s) and grant(s), including the intended purpose and amount.
CFT collects and uses your information to complete donor transactions, communicate with you, provide Foundation updates, honor you and your generosity as appropriate, and deliver the services you have requested. To the extent any donations are processed through a third-party service provider (Salesforce, GiveGab, MightyCause, Stripe), our donors’ information will only be used for purposes necessary to process the donation.
If you are a Communities Foundation of Texas fund holder and you use the Donor Portal, you provide personal information to authenticate your identity. That information is only used through that platform and is not distributed or sold to any other party or site.
If you have comments or questions regarding our Fund Holder Privacy Policy, please contact your Relationship Manager, email, or call us at 214-750-4222.