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Portrait of a Donor

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Portrait of a Donor

Mabel Peters Caruth

Thousands of donors have worked with us to serve the needs of this city, state and beyond. But none has done so in quite as dramatic and generous a manner as the late Mabel Peters Caruth, widow of W.W. Caruth, Jr. and member of this legendary Dallas family. Mrs. Caruth set her own course for giving in November 2000, when she announced plans to bequeath $34 million to Communities Foundation of Texas.

The funds were used to build and maintain a new, centrally located headquarters for the foundation at 5500 Caruth Haven Lane. The facilities, known as the Mabel Peters Caruth Center, are located near the original Caruth family homestead, built in the 1850s on a farm that once encompassed thousands of acres of Dallas’ most valuable real estate.

Mabel Caruth’s gift has enabled us to become even more effective in service to the community and to its donors. The gift permits us to hold administrative costs to a minimum, which frees additional funds to go to worthy programs and projects.

As a CFT donor, Mabel Caruth wanted to define her personal legacy both in terms of the family’s generous past and her understanding of future community needs. Her way of giving has more than accomplished both goals.

One of the pleasures of our lives, having saved a lot of money, has been to give it away. It gives me great pleasure to know I've helped Communities Foundation of Texas because they help so many people. To give them the room to do even more is really very important to me.

- Mrs. Caruth
Nicole Paquette
Nicole Paquette
Senior Director, Communications, Public Relations, and External Affairs

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