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Supporting a healthy nonprofit community

A strong, vibrant nonprofit community is the cornerstone of philanthropy in North Texas. When nonprofits operate with excellence, they can respond more effectively to social challenges and attract more support. With 70+ years of experience, CFT is committed to strengthening nonprofits – especially in the area of fundraising and revenue generation – through high quality resources and programming.

Below are tools to maximize strategies for year-round financial sustainability, supplemental resources that support other aspects of operational excellence, and links to external vendors who seek to build nonprofit capacity in our region.

Resources for nonprofits

At CFT, we recognize the importance of reliable resources. CFT offers a variety of tools for nonprofit financial planning with a focus on revenue growth and diversification.

This page provides a selection of resources that include knowledgeable consultants, advanced technology service providers, software solutions, and useful documents.
Discover Available Resources
Our resources are presented in easily navigable, filterable listings. Each listing provides basic information to help you quickly identify the resources relevant to your needs. For detailed information, simply click on a resource to be directed to a separate page.

Disclaimer: The resources listed here reflect those known to Communities Foundation of Texas (CFT) or utilized by community nonprofits in the past. This list is not comprehensive of all available service providers and is shared for informational purposes only. CFT does not endorse or recommend these resources but presents them as options for organizations to evaluate and consider based on their specific needs.


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Soulstice Consultancy – Froswa Booker-Drew
Dr. Froswa' Booker-Drew offers services including consulting on diversifying CSR and ESG efforts, building community relationships, DEI initiatives, leadership training, keynote speaking on topics like resilience and women in the workplace, nonprofit capacity building, change management using evidence-based models, executive coaching, and creating educational curriculum on topics such as leadership and community development​.
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CFT Cash, Wire, and Stock Instructions
View transfer instructions to ensure a smooth transaction of eligible securities to Communities Foundation of Texas.
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Grant Payment ACH Enrollment Form
Looking to have a CFT grant paid by ACH? Enroll here.
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2020 Racial Equity Report
View some of CFT's racial equity funding highlights.
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The Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) represents 25,000 members in 165 chapters in the United States, Canada and Mexico, working to advance philanthropy through advocacy, research, education and certification programs. AFP provides training opportunities for fundraising professionals and promotes public understanding of philanthropy and philanthropic fundraising.
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North Texas Giving Day

Over the past fifteen years, this online event has transformed from a simple idea to help local people give wisely into a movement that has ignited conversation, consciousness, and community giving to the tune of $560 million.

Need help? Let’s connect.

Our team of experienced and knowledgeable experts is here to help you help others.

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